Saturday, 9 August 2014

Sepia Saturday 240

In 2007, my employers, General Electric Aviation Systems sent me to present a paper at the Health and Usage Monitoring conference, part of the Melbourne Air Show. We had the conference closing dinner at one of the most atmospheric, not to say spooky, places I've ever eaten, the old Melbourne Gaol.  Above is our table set out for us on the ground floor.  The cells were all off walkways on 3 or 4 floors above us, from where the photo is taken. Below are a cell and the execution gallery......

........Where the condemned man  was trussed up ready to drop.

Like the most famous criminal in Australian History, Ned Kelly, the Man in the Iron Mask, who met his maker here on  1 November 1880.
Dinner by candlelight never had such a frisson!

Join us at Sepia Saturday to see what other contributors have made of the prompt.


  1. I hope it didn't feel like a "last meal."

  2. It certainly is a spooky place, even without having to sit down and eat. Hope you were given a good meal.

  3. Goodness, that would be a bit spooky. Hope the meal was good.

  4. Not so sure I'd dine there, without keeping an eye on everything! Great pictures of what it was like though! Yikes!

  5. Wow! That was a night to remember huh?

  6. I wonder whose clever idea it was to have the dinner there; difficult to beat as a dinner venue.

  7. Great photo of the dinner table - seems it woud have been a great atmosphere

  8. What a great idea for a memorable dinner. I wonder if they have weddings there too.
